Hypnotherapy and NLP have helped many people break unwanted habits, like nail biting, scratching and many other things. It deals with the unconscious (or subconscious) - the part of you responsible for all your habits.
Habits are automatic functions that often develop from childhood, but sometimes begin in adulthood. They are driven by the unconscious mind and often seem to happen outside of conscious awareness. There are usually triggers to remind the mind when to do the habit and there are also certain things that tend to make you stop doing it too.
When you've decided you want to break the habit, hypnotherapy and NLP helps, because it reaches the source - the subconscious. It can be surprisingly easy to replace an old habit with different routines which feel good and are more acceptable to you. You have to want to stop - that's your choice. And if you make that choice, you will be able to enjoy doing so with a bit of help from me.
The treatment needs to recognise your specific experiences of the old habit and your motivation for stopping. It also needs to help you build resources, so becoming free of the habit can feel easy for you as actually imagine yourself enjoying the change permanently.
It is useful to have one of my self-hypnosis CDs too, so you can reinforce the work by practising at home. This really helps to drive the message home to your subconscious mind.
I listen carefully to everything you tell me. All the suggestions made to you during trance will reflect your specific motivation. You regain power and control over your mind and decide how you want to deal with things from now on.
I give you a thorough Habit Busting Programme, which includes a handout of useful hints to get you through the challenge; some things to do at home between the sessions, to create changes in your unconscious mind; a series of NLP and hypnosis sessions and a self-hypnosis CD to use at home.
It's your decision. I can help you if you have decided to be free of that unwanted habit, to have more control over your mind and actions and enjoy knowing things have changed permanently. To arrange a 20 minute free initial consultation contact me Andy Lucas (hypnotherapist) at Spring to Mind, Bethnal Green and Central London.